Frankly, Lancers are a better unit than the Tyrannosaurus, which is really depressing.Īssembly really need higher level settlements to pump out their usually much higher tier units, and you can usually get more net power out of a tier 2 power district than 2 tier 1 power districts with the cost reduction.

Amazons on the other hand can rely on their tier 1 units well into late game, since the blind arrow is just so strong, Biomancers are so versatile, and Lancers are just a crazy strong ball of good stats. Compared to other factions, they greatly favor taking 2-4 cities early and then turtling for a 20-30 turns for infrastructure so they can pump out late game secret tech units. They get a doctrine that gives them a production cost reduction for each defensive building they make, which means that they can churn armies out stupidly fast if they build tall, especially with an energy district or two for cost reduction and upkeep reduction. Vanguard can play a wider style, but their main strength is being able to turn a city into a terrifying hybrid of a factory fortress. However, several factions have difficulty expanding (Dvar, Assembly to a certain extent) or have significant upside for building tall (Vanguard, Assembly).

Amazons more than most, because they can get a lot of good flat bonuses based on terrain to production and food. Generally speaking, wider is usually better for most factions. I mean, you're not entirely wrong in theory.