
Instal the new version for ipod Megacubo 17.0.1
Instal the new version for ipod Megacubo 17.0.1

instal the new version for ipod Megacubo 17.0.1

  • Breaks immediately if pushed by a piston or sticky piston.
  • Cannot be obtained when mined, even with Silk Touch, and does not drop anything.
  • Generates amethyst buds/clusters on any side that is exposed either to air or a water source block.
  • Raw copper, raw gold and raw iron can be crafted into the respective block of raw metal.
  • Chances of cleaning and number of reverted stages are higher the closer to the struck block.
  • Lightning may clean oxidation, reverting the oxidation process by one or several stages.
  • White particles are formed when scraping off wax from the block.
  • Axes can be used to scrape off wax and oxidation (one stage at a time).
  • Yellow particles are formed when waxing the block.
  • Honeycomb can also be used, or applied with a dispenser to wax them.
  • Can be stopped from oxidizing by combining it with a honeycomb to create a Waxed Block of Copper.
  • Oxidizes and changes texture to a turquoise-green over time.
  • Can be crafted with 9 copper ingots, and can also be crafted back into 9 copper ingots.
  • Can also be crafted with 4 amethyst shards.
  • Unlike the Budding Amethyst, the Block of Amethyst can be obtained when mined.
  • A decorative block found in amethyst geodes.
  • The variant with pink blossoms is counted as small flowers by the game (for example, bees can pollinate them).
  • The variant with pink blossoms is seen as small flowers by the game (for example, bees can pollinate them).
  • Using bone meal on azalea itself creates an azalea tree.
  • Both variants can grow from moss blocks when bone meal is used on them.
  • Has variants with either no blossoms or pink blossoms.
  • Bush-like blocks that can be planted on dirt and grass blocks.
  • Breaking by hand, piston, or other means drops only 2 amethyst shards mining with a pickaxe drops 4.
  • Drops amethyst shards if broken, in an amount affected by Fortune, but can also be picked up with Silk Touch.
  • The final, mature stage of the amethyst bud, which grows from budding amethyst in amethyst geodes.
  • There is a total of 3 variants (stages).
  • Drops only when mined with a Silk Touch pickaxe.
  • instal the new version for ipod Megacubo 17.0.1

  • Unlike crops, each growth stage is a separate block instead of a block state.
  • Starts out tiny, but grows into medium after a while, large after even more time, and eventually becomes an amethyst cluster.
  • Grows from budding amethyst, which is found in amethyst geodes.

  • Instal the new version for ipod Megacubo 17.0.1